Al-Faisal College
Al-Faisal College - AUBURN



Congratulations to Sara Karem

Congratulations to Sara Karem for achieving the perfect ATAR score 99.95. We are so proud of your achievement and wish you a bright future ahead Insha Allah.


Congratulations to Raneem Emad

Congratulations to Raneem Emad for topping Arabic Continuers achieving 100% for this subject in the HSC!!! Irna was presented with a certificate from the Former NSW Education Minister The Hon. Sarah Mitchell MLC.


Graduation Day - Class of 2020

Al-Faisal College hosted 2 graduation dinners at the Westella Renaissance to celebrate and mark the end of schooling for the Year 12 students Class of 2020.


ANZAC Day Commemoration Assembly

On Tuesday 20th April 2021, Al-Faisal College, held an ANZAC Day Commemoration Assembly. The school captains Imaan Atia and Mohamad Zreika welcomed the students on behalf of Mr Shafiq Khan, co-founder and Managing Director of Al-Faisal Colleges, Mrs Ghazwa Adra Khan, co-founder and Executive Principal, Dr Intaj Ali, Director of Education and Mrs. S. Khan Hassanein, Co-Executive Principal.

Iftar Dinner with The NSW Premier The Hon. Gladys Berejiklian

On Tuesday 20th April, the Managing Director Mr Shafiq Khan, Co-Executive Principal Mrs S. Khan Hassanein, Dr Al-Nakeeb and the two school captains Imaan Atia and Mohamad Zreika attended the Premier’s Iftar Diner at the Bankwest Stadium in Parramatta along with the other school captains and Heads from Al-Faisal College – Campbelltown and Al-Faisal College – Liverpool schools.

Meeting The Hon. Geoffrey Lee

Our students had the privilege of meeting the Minister for Skills and Tertiary Education, and Minister for Sport, Multiculturalism, Seniors and Veterans, The Hon. Geoffrey Lee.

RUA Workshop

Every year, since 2014, Al-Faisal College has been participating in the Respect, Understanding and Acceptance (RUA) workshop held by the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies. This is a great opportunity for our students to meed year 9 students from other schools with different faith, culture and religion. The students get along with comfort and ease, they all participate in a number of group and pair activities.


Eid celebrations at Gallipoli Home & Respite Centre

As part of promoting good will and charity, Al-Faisal College students visited the Gallipoli Home & Respite Centre. Students had the chance to share stories, make Eid cards and gift the elderly with an Eid gift.

Interfaith workshop

We were delighted to welcome Year 12 students from Coffs Harbour Christian Community School to build bridges and strengthen ties. Students had an opportunity to learn more about the cultural customs and rituals, discuss similarities and differences between each religion and understand the importance of acceptance. Al-Faisal College students from the Hospitality class prepared an amazing lunch and students from both schools had an opportunity to speak about what a typical day at each school looked like and commonalities shared.

Kindergarten Graduation

Kindergarten Graduation Day marks the conclusion of the first year of schooling for our Kindergarten students before they progress onto Stage 1, Year 1. Students celebrate their Graduation Ceremony by wearing a beautiful Royal Blue Graduation Gown and hats. They also move the tassel of their hats to the side once they have officially graduated.


Over 100 students from Years 3-6 will have an opportunity to spend the day at Macquarie University as part of STEM week to investigate different aspects and elements of gears/planes/chemistry.

                                                    $15,000 donation to the Country Women's Association

Over the past two terms all the Al-Faisal campuses have organised fund raising drives such as pizza days, Abaya days and the most recent and unique "Come dressed as a farmer day". Teachers, students and the School Board have given generously raising a total of $15000 which was presented to the State President and Vice President of the Country Women’s Association (CWA) during the Assembly. Ms Annette Turner, State President of the CWA, addressed the assembly and said that the donation will go to the CWA, Disaster Relief Fund which gives 100% of all monies directly to family farmers affected by the drought. The CWA is in touch with families who are struggling and they assist by paying for basic necessities such as groceries, electricity bills and children's needs.








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Al-Faisal College, 149 Auburn Rd, Auburn NSW 2144, Sydney, Australia | Telephone +61 2 8877 2000 | Email: |

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