Al-Faisal College Latest Events

Al-Faisal College - Liverpool Master Plan


Book Character Parade



LIV KINDY Graduation


At the beginning of this year Al-Faisal College commenced a master planning process for our Liverpool school to help meet the needs of the growing community.

We are pleased to announce that after many months of work, technical investigations and stakeholder engagement we have finalised our master plan and submitted the State Significant Development Application and supporting Environmental Impact Statement to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for assessment.

The master plan includes a renewed primary school on the existing school site, and a new secondary school across the road at 80 Gurner Avenue.


To view the State Significant Development and Environmental Impact Statement and to make a submission click here.

Students from Kindy to Year 8 and Staff attended our Book Character Parade celebrating Book Week. Each grade dressed based on a theme relative to the topics they were learning in class. It was wonderful to see the vibrant array of colours and costume choices. Our choir group prepared some songs which they performed during the parade and parents and little siblings were invited to parade their costumes as well. Students ended the parade with the older students reading stories to the younger ones.





Kindergarten Graduation Day marks the conclusion of the first year of schooling for our Kindergarten students before they progress onto Stage 1, Year 1. Students celebrate their Graduation Ceremony by wearing a beautiful Royal Blue Graduation Gown and hats. They also move the tassel of their hats to the side once they have officially graduated.






Presentation Day


Anasheed Eid Assembly

Our Annual end of year presentation day acknowledges and applauds the hard work, effort and achievements of our students. Students are presented with a number of prizes, awards, trophies, medallions and special scholarships. Well done to our students and staff for their commitment and dedication!!!

SRC and Class Captains attended the ANZAC Day Memorial at Hyde Park where they paid respects to our fallen soldiers. They listened intently contributions by war veterans and their families. Students then laid wreaths along with students from many other schools.

Al-Faisal College celebrated the upcoming Eid Adha with an Anasheed Eid Assembly which was attended by parents and family. What a beautiful way to end the term and we would like to wish all our students, parents and staff a Happy Eid!

Bushfire Relief Appeal


Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea  


Australia wide, the hearts and souls of every citizen was captured by the devastating bushfires that ripped through towns and caused mass destruction to homes, farmland, protected species and entire communities. The students, teachers and parents of Al-Faisal College - Liverpool wanted to help in their own capacity and held a Bake Sale. 


The Year Nine Food Technology class, created an enticing menu of delectable desserts to sell to the students and teachers.  All proceeds went to toward the Bushfire Relief Fund.


Every year in May, students get together to raise funds that will make a big difference to those affected by cancer. It is the Cancer Council’s most popular fundraiser, and it is definitely one of our favourite events at Al-Faisal College - Liverpool. We enjoy Krispy Kreme donuts while catching up with friends and teachers. Hosting a morning tea is a fun and rewarding way to support the event and to help save lives. We hope to continue supporting this event every year.

NAIDOC celebrations are held around Australia each July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The week is celebrated not just in the Indigenous communities but schools all around Australia. At Al-Faisal College – Liverpool, we spend the week participating in a range of activities to support the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. Each year the theme changes as these themes are chosen to reflect important issues and events for NAIDOC. Throughout the week we have welcomed members from the community to share their stories with us.


Community Workers


Athletics Carnival 

Buddy Program 

Students in Year 4 met essential workers from the community, the local firefighters, who came to Al-Faisal College - Liverpool. Our firefighters have worked tirelessly over the years and expressed ways in which they help the community daily. The incursion was interactive, enjoyable and educational for the students. Each student was able to use the equipment they brought with them on their fire brigade and everyone had a wonderful time learning about these important workers in our community.



Al-Faisal College - Liverpool students enjoyed our annual Athletics Carnival. It is always a great day with lots of talent and enthusiasm on display. Our students were able to rotate around the field, compete in both track and field events, play with the hula hoops, parachute, beanbags and soft balls. As expected, there were a lot of laughs between students, teachers and parents. Congratulations to all students who participated in the event!

The Buddy Program runs every Thursday during lunch times, with year 6 SRC students interacting and communicating with Kindergarten students. The activities included within the buddy program consist of: - Reading books together, allowing Kindergarten students to be exposed to new vocabulary - Creating a train track which assists Kindergarten students with communication and dexterity. - Playing handball and working on hand and eye coordination. - Completing puzzles, which helps Kindergarten students with shape recognition, goal setting and patience.


Parent Morning Tea


R U Ok Day

Each year students of the SRC team organise and host an end of year morning tea. The morning is dedicated to those parents who have helped out within the classroom, on excursions or at school. The SRC recognises the time and effort parents put into the school and this is their way of saying thank you.


Al-Faisal College-Liverpool students took part in R U OK Day to promote the importance of mental health and well being.

Al-Faisal College - LIVERPOOL








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